Double Gynecomastia

Double Gynecomastia

Be embarrassed of big breasts?No more stress with DA!

Double Gynecomastia
Double Gynecomastia

Double Gynecomastia

Double Gynecomastia
Double Gynecomastia

The mammary gland tissue is not large and develops only around the nipple or perihelium

There is no sagging skin, but the breast protrudes due to the development of the mammary gland tissue

The mammary gland tissue is generally developed, causing the chest to protrude and sagging

The mammary gland tissue is so developed that the chest protrudes and sags, nipple angles are downward

Double Gynecomastia

Mammoth Surgeon Internal Cause Diagnosis

Plastic Surgeons Complete External Shape

Double Gynecomastia
Double Gynecomastia
Double Gynecomastia
Double Gynecomastia

Double Gynecomastia

Double Gynecomastia

Double Gynecomastia
Double Gynecomastia
Double Gynecomastia
Double Gynecomastia
Double Gynecomastia
Double Gynecomastia