Mentor Breast Augmentation

Mentor Breast

Through 50 Years
of Implant History
Mentor Breast Augmentation

which has confirmed
the safety
DA x Mentor

It Has To Be Safe during a life time
The Standard of Choosing An Implant
Must Be very selective

Mentor 3D Dimensional

50 Years of Global Breast Implant Mentor

Meet DA’s 3D Dimensional Disinsertion Technique

Standard of Choosing An Implant
Standard of Choosing An Implant

Mentor Its Safety Is Based on
Long History And Clinical Result

Mentor MemoryGel Xtra is a global breast implant for 50 years
and It has released in USA/Canada/Europe even in Korea for the
4th in the world and it was the 1st time release in Asia

Silicone Gel + Implant Shell

Complicated FDA Approval
Mentor Implant’s
Silicone Gel + Implant Shell

To use word ‘FDA’ for breast implant, it has to be approved not only the shell but also
The silicone gel inside of implant. However, silicone gel and shell from Mentor
Implant is approved by FDA which is verified its safety

Standard of choosing an implant
Standard of choosing an implant

Safety & Size & Texture

If you can’t give up on


DA’s Breasts Surgery With Mentor

DA x Mentor Breast Augmentation
DA x Mentor Breast Augmentation

Same Thoracic cage but unique breast volume
DA’s Three Dimensional Disinsertion
+ Precision Filling

  • ‘Just Fit’ Two Dimensional DisinsertionWhich Makes A Decision For
    The Breast Pocket of Width In The
    Front View
  • Three Dimensional DesinsertionIt Makes A Decision For Making
    A Dimensional Breast Pocket in the
    side View
  • Mentor’s Precision FillingSame implant’s width, but high volume
    according to the each patient’s breast
    size by controlling Silicon gel
Natural I Line Cleavage
DA x Mentor Breast Augmentation

Soft Texture With
Natural I Line Cleavage

It creasts natural breasts shape and texture in any
movement with DA’s I line cleavage which is most
closes to natural born breasts

Considering Shape, Texture, And Safety

Considering Shape, Texture, And Safety
Choose An Implant That Fits On Your Body Shape

Smooth Type It has characteristics that moves
naturally since It is filled by Cohesive
gel which is soft
Micro Textured Type It is much safer from side effects than smooth implant
since it’s made by imprinting technique it’s a method
that applies 3 tons amount of pressure

For your beautiful and healthy breasts
Collaborate With A Plastic Surgeon
Who Is Specialized In Breasts

  • DIVINA 3D Scanner For
    Virtual Cosmetic
    Patients can see the breasts after Surgery
    in advance that helps to Choose the implants and size According to patient’s breasts Volume, nipple, distance and Asymmetry
  • The Process of Systemically
    We are able to understand patient’sbreasts condition precisely through Mammography. If there is a positive nodule founded, it’s available to do Mammotome procedure without surgical incision
  • Collaborate With A Plastic Surgeon
    Who Is Specialized In Breasts
    We proceed breast augmentationfor beautiful breasts through Plastic surgeon [who is specialized in breasts disease]
DA’s Breasts Surgery

Don’t Miss Your Breasts’

Size, Texture and Safety

DA’s Breasts Surgery
With Mentor

DA’s Breasts Surgery With Mentor

Exclusive Breasts Through 50 Years of History
DA’s Breasts Surgery With Mentor

Continuous Tesearch For Safe Breast Augmentation