#Secret to V-line #Perfectly Balanced Front Chin!
DA’s Genioplasty: Chin length extension/reduction
surgery involves creating a narrower and sharp chin from
the short and stubby chin or long chin, in proportion with the whole face.
Extending the chin-length by transplanting part of the
bone that was cut off during facial contouring surgery for
those who have short and stubby chins were not solved
by square jaw reduction surgery. Moreover, reducing the
long chin into proportion with the whole face can create a
more natural and beautiful V-line.
Short and stubby chins are extended, and long chins are reduced to create a more natural and beautiful chins.
Chin Length Extension/Reduction’s surgical method differs due to different chin shapes
First, identify bone and nerves
before making an intra-oral incision
Cutting the end and the middle of the chin bone
Transplanting the cut off
bone in to the middle
Fixing the bone into place and cutting the other bones to create a slender line
First, identify bone and nerves
before making an intra-oral incision
Cutting the end and
the middle of the chin bone
Transplanting the cut off
bone in to the middle
Fixing the bone into place
Cutting the stubby chin bone
into a T shape
Removing the middle bone and
gathering the end bone into
the middle and fixing it in place
Cutting the protruding square jaw line to create a slender jaw and chin
#Secret to V-line #Perfectly Balanced Front Chin!
CT below is 3D CT of DA Plastic Surgery actual patient.
Completion of natural and perfect face line
that is customized to individual
customers' facial structure for perfect v-line
Customized diagnosis system for each patient
Established a system by considering not only facial bones but also
soft tissues such as muscles, fat, and skin elasticity that are different
for each individual through various diagnostic equipment
Plastic Surgeon Responsible Surgery
Surgery performed by a plastic surgeon with various
clinical experiences and advanced know-how for each case
Continuous research on facial contouring
Continuous academic activities and research on
new surgical methods for facial contouring